Yes, we caught you. Red-pawed. I know you guys are so cute and are trying to be all cool and blend in with your surroundings, but you cant hide that huge bite taken out of the pumpkin. Yeah, that means you popping your head out from behind!
So I made it to Brooklyn and all is well. I cannot quite fathom how everything came together and I tied up loose ends and was able to move clear across the country. But, I somehow landed, slightly disoriented and full of vigor. Here goes some overdue pictures from the first couple of weeks here. Above are views from my apt and the subway station down the street. Hope you enjoy this photo project. The goal is to post daily and the theme is yet to be determined.
Lindsay Comstock received her BA in photography and govt./journalism from California State University, Sacramento. She recently moved from CA to NY and is interested in exploring cultural variances in the form of prose, photographs and interdisciplinary artistic studies.